Sunday, May 21, 2006

A Quick Update

I'm still at my parent's house and plan to go back home tomorrow. Mom came through the surgery fine on Thursday and came home from the hospital on Friday. The initial biopsy showed that the lymph nodes were clear; we'll get the final report on Tuesday. Mom is in pretty good spirits and with the help of Percocet, is not in a lot pain. I'm thinking that they should rename Percocet to "Perky-cet" because Mom has become quite chatty.

Thanks to everyone who kept Mom in their thoughts and prayers. We couldn't have hoped for a better outcome. Our circle of family and friends (which definitely includes my blogging acquaintences) is amazing. I'm deeply grateful and humbled.

I've been able to get a fair amount of knitting done this weekend. The Blue Danube sock has grown a little bit and I'm on the fifth ball (out of 12) for the blanket. I started swatching for my Trekking XXL socks for the Trek with Me knitalong, but quickly discovered that I can't knit and translate charts or instructions from knitting in the round to flat knitting. At least I've got an idea of gauge in stockinette. Does anyone have any suggestions for a pattern that would look good with color #100? It stripes very subtly.

And for my One Skein "Seekrit" Pal, here are my answers:
  1. Which yarn is most like your personality (you can be specific or general with your answer- brand, type, color, fiber, whatever)?

  2. Hmmm...some would say dishrag cotton! I think I would say cashmere/silk...elegant, but casual (okay, that's what I wannabe). Colors would be muted, earthy tones...(understated elegance?)

  3. What is your favorite color yarn to knit/crochet with?

  4. Given that most of my knitting recently has been for gifts, I don't really have a favorite. But when I'm in a yarn store, I gravitate to pinks, greens, purples, reds, and some others.

  5. Have you ever used variegated, or magic, yarns?

  6. Yes, with interesting results. The jury is still out, but I think I like them. They certainly are easy!

  7. Do you tend to favor certain fibers when choosing yarns?

  8. Natural fibers!!! I am a yarn snob, but mostly because I hate the way most synthetic fibers feel as they move through my hands. However, I do try to keep an open mind.

  9. Do you prefer to work with center-pull or traditionally wound balls of yarn?

  10. Either is fine; I have a swift and a ball winder.

  11. Have you ever worked with organic yarns or are you interested in trying them?

  12. I have not worked with them and I am definitely interested in trying them. I've had my eye on Blue Sky Alpacas Organic Cotton for the robe that was in a past issue of Interweave Knits.

  13. How many and what projects have you made in the last year?

  14. Oh goodness...several hats, some scarves, mittens, baby blankets, a couple pairs of socks...see the list of FOS on my blog (pay no attention to the UFOS).

  15. Will you be knitting any gifts this year?

  16. Absolutely. Some socks and a baby blanket. Maybe some more hats and a couple of children's sweaters.

  17. What is your favorite one skein project?

  18. Well, I haven't worked much with one skein projects, but I would say socks. I did knit a small scarf for my niece using one skein. It was extremely satisfying and relatively quick.

  19. How much yarn do you have in your stash and how do you store it?

  20. I don't know. I'll have to take an inventory. I've got one large flat Rubbermaid contain filled, and another one partially filled. As stashes go, mine is rather modest.

  21. Do you have a yarn in your stash that you love so much you can never use it or part with it?

  22. Not really, but I do have several yarns in my stash that are destined for something I design, after I get over my fear of failure.

  23. Do you knit less or differently in the summer?

  24. Not really. I might not be knitting with worsted anything (cotton is extremely sticky in the humidity). Maybe more socks?

  25. Do you belong to any knitting groups (online or offline)?

  26. I occasionally attend the Loudoun Knitters group, but mostly I knit solo.

GTB starts in 5 minutes! I wish we could be there. Maybe next year...


Sheepish Annie said...

While still highly stressful, it sure sounds like the prognosis for your Mom is a good one. That gets a hearty, "phew!!!" Take it easy and have a good week.

~Jody said...

Glad to here mom is doing well. I just joined that Trek along w/me thingie...must go buy yarn :)