The Christmas shopping didn't commence until the week before Christmas; I did most of the Saturday before. There was Christmas knitting and Christmas knitting that was started way back in May. Was it completed in time? Nope. I did, however, finish a sleeve and I took that down to my parents' for Christmas. My little niece (age four) was entranced: "Look, it's my sleeve!" Given that the girls are growing so fast and my progress on the sweaters is proceeding more slowly than a snail moves in the snow, I took measurements again to make sure that I didn't have to go up a size. I needn't have worried...Debbie Bliss sizes her garments so generously that I could probably get the both of them in one of the sweaters this time next year.
The other Christmas knitting was a scarf for Tom. This project was the early morning stealth knitting about two weeks before Christmas. I got up early Christmas morning, nicely arranged the scarf in a box (still on the needles and complete with the extra ball of yarn), wrapped it, and put it under the tree. Tom's reaction when he opened it: "I got a knitting project!" I was hoping that that would pique his interest in learning to knit, but no luck there.
Social obligations have also been a bit heavy this month, which took me unawares since December started with nary an invitation. By mid-month, we were pretty busy. And it looks like the partying is going to continue through mid-January. A New's Year Eve dinner party tonight, the nephew visiting next weekend, my company holiday party the following weekend, and the project holiday party that Wednesday. Sheesh! A serious diet and exercise program is going to be in order soon as the weight is creeping back on.
Emma is doing quite well and is quite the queen of the household. She has learned that the kitchen counters are an easy jump and it's been a challenge to keep her off. We've switched her to a raw food diet and she absolutely loves it. I'm not making it myself, but am using Aunt Jeni's Homemade 4 Life. To read more about a raw food diet for cats, click here. After losing Jezebel to cancer on Labor Day, I've decided to go with a natural and holistic approach to cat care. We're very fortunate to have a veterinarian in the area who does acupuncture and is in the process of becoming certified in veterinary homeopathy.
Another activity that is cutting into my blogging and knitting time is running. Tom has been running with the Loudoun Roadrunners on weekend mornings. In an attempt to get back into some semblance of shape (and see if my ITB problem has resolved itself), I'm joining them. At first, it was only on Sundays. Now it's both days. The runs through rural Loudoun County are gorgeous, not to mention challenging. The real time killer, though, is going for post-run coffee. By the time we get home and cleaned up, it's after noon. And I usually forget (gasp!) to take my knitting. Henceforth, my knitting will go with me on runs and I'll boldly knit in public, and proudly.
New Year's Resolutions? I'll reserve that topic for tomorrow's post. Suffice it to say that one of them will involve being a more frequent blogger!

May the New Year hold good health, happiness, prosperity, and lots of fibery goodness for you!